
How to Buy Panic Exit Devices

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For the security of your home or business, you may want to buy panic bar door locks. These locks contain features that prevent the lock from being picked or bumped open. You often see these types of door locks on a building's emergency exits.

  1. 1. Figure out the type of panic bar door locks you wish to buy. One of four common types of devices whose efficiency is defined by the situations in which they are used
    Panic Latch
    Panic Bolts
    Panic Push Pad
    Outside Trim & Cylinder
  2. 2. To fulfill correct selection and installation, user must obtain details information of door, such as thickness, width & height of door, and single leaf or double leaf.
  3. 3. Alarm kit is an option to go along with the panic bar door lock if necessary, for exam- ple school.

Protions of the Door
Protions of the Door